Instruction for Authors
Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan Instructions for Authors
1. General Information
The Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan is a journal for scientific research papers published by the Remote Sensing Society of Japan (RSSJ) in yearly volumes of five issues.
Submitted papers must be scientific reports of original research written in English or in Japanese. Their essential contents must not have been published already, nor are they under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere. Submitted papers are reviewed and refereed.
Basically, the first author should be a member of RSSJ. However, non-member submission is possible with a given page charge.
2. Scope
This journal covers the basic and applied studies on remote sensing and related research areas such as theories, concepts, and techniques for remote sensing as well as their applications to the earth, oceans, atmosphere, and space problems.
3. Types of paper
Original Full Paper, Original Short Paper, Review or Tutorial Paper
4. Preparation of manuscript
4.1. Formatting
– Manuscripts should be submitted by “TEXT” format electrical files (a PDF or a Word file).
– Use A4-sized paper with ample margins, at least 25 mm each side.
– The text part should be double spaced, with single-column format.
– Line numbers should be added on the left margin.
– Final form of papers (after printed) will be approximately 52 characters by 50 lines in a column, double-column format, 250 mm by 175 mm in size.
4.2. Article structure
Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, …), 1.2, etc. (the abstract is not included in section numbering). Any subsection may be given a brief heading. Each heading should appear on its own separate line.
General arrangement of a paper
– Title
– Authors
– Author’s affiliation, address and e-mail address
– Abstract (approximately 300 words)
– Keyword (4-5 words)
– Main text
Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan
– Acknowledgement
– References
– Appendix
– Author’s biography (within 300 words for each author)
– Figures and tables
4.3 Figures and tables
– Figures and tables should be separated from main text.
– Indicate insertion positions in main text, e.g. [ Fig. 1 ]..
– Examples of captions are as follows.
Fig. 1. Concept of remote sensing systems
Table 1. Summary of spaceborne passive sensors.
Plate 1. Outlook of the sensor.
4.4 References
All reference papers should be listed in the “References” section in the following styles, and cited in the main text with the superscript notation of their number. The references should be listed in the order of their appearance in the main text. Examples for the listing format are given below.
1) T. Tokyo and J. Ohsaka: How to write RSSJ, J. Remote Sens. Soc. Japan, 18(1), pp. 20-27,1999.
2) T. Tokyo (ed.): Handbook of Remote Sensing, RSSJ Publ. Co., Tokyo, 1999.
3) J. Osaka: Basic of Remote Sensing Handbook of Remote Sensing, T. Tokyo (ed.), Chap. 2, RSSJ Publ. Co., Tokyo, 1999.
4) T. Tokyo, S. Nagoya and J. Osaka: How to study microwave remote sensing, Proc. Inter.
Symp. on Remote Sensing, Tokyo, Japan, B-11, pp. 3-13, Feb. 1999.
5. Copyright
Copyright of papers will be transferred to the Remote Sensing Society of Japan after publication.
6. Page charges
Following page charges will be applied.
(1) Member of RSSJ (for the first author)
– No page charges for original papers within 12 pages and original short papers within 6 pages. Page charges for other categories will be decided by the editorial board.
– Over page charge is 10,000-yen per page.
– Color page charge is as follows.
1 page: 40,000-yen/page, 2 pages: 30,000-yen/page, 3 pages: 25,000-yen/page, 4 pages and more: 20,000-yen/page.
Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan
(2) Non-member of RSSJ (for the first author)
– Page charge of 5,000-yen/page will be applied for non-member manuscript for original papers within 12 pages and original short papers within 6 pages.
– Over page and color page charges are identical to that for RSSJ members.
7. Submission of manuscripts
Original papers, original short papers, technical papers and reviews should be submitted via the online submission system at
Please attach a submission card with your manuscript.
Articles other than these categories should be submitted by E-mail. The address is