
The 69th Autumn Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan

The 69th Autumn Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan

The 69th Autumn Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan (RSSJ) will be held as below. The details will be updated appropriately.

1. Date:

21 – 22 December 2020


2. Venue:

Virtual Conference using the Zoom system


3. Call for Special Session:

The RSSJ 69th conference will hold some special sessions proposed by RSSJ members. If you wish to hold a special session, please contact to rssj-conf@rssj.or.jp by 30th, October 2020. Please note that there may be cases where the program organization cannot respond to all requests.


4. Timetable and Program:

RSSJ65 Timetable and Program can be download from here.


5. Registration:

Deadline is noon on December 17th.
Click here to register → Registration